
新順利民宿 Xinshunli Minsu + 999餐廳 999 restaurant + 山芝鄉風味館 "Shanzhixiang" restaurant

在阿里山選的是新順利民宿,在7﹣11旁邊的斜路上, 比我想像中乾淨,沒有發霉那些的,棉被很厚很舒服,有wifi! 洗手間有一點簡陋但還可以

We chose the Xinshunli Minsu at Alishan.  It is located on the slope next to 7-11, much cleaner than I had expected, with wifi, and thick blankets were provided to conquer the cold! the washroom is a bit small but overall it's pretty nice!

放下行李急不及待去吃午餐。在森林遊樂區裡的餐廳幾乎都在附近,很好找。這趟試了bloggers 介紹的兩間

Headed out immediately for lunch after unpacking.  The restaurants in the Alishan Recreational area are  very close to each other so it's easy to find one.  This time we tried two restaurants that many bloggers recommended.

午餐﹣999餐廳 Lunch - 999 restaurant
在樓梯旁邊 right next to the stairs

山豬肉很好吃!the pork taste really nice

晚餐﹣山芝鄉風味館餐廳  Dinner - "Shanzhixiang" restaurant
在新順利民宿斜路旁邊 right next to the slope near Xinshunli Minsu

天寒地冬打邊爐很滿足 felt so satisfied after having hotpot in such a cold weather! 

Day 3: 日月潭 (員林客運)->阿里山-> 九九九餐廳午餐-> 阿里山森林遊樂區步道-> 山芝鄉風味館-> 新順利民宿
Day 3: Sun Moon Lake (Yunlin Bus) -> Alishan-> lunch at 999 restaurant-> Walking trail in Alishan Forest Recreation area -> dinner at the "Shanzhixiang" restaurant -> Xinshunli Minsu

