
德國秘密旅行 Traveler Kitchen + 勤美術館 CMP Block

很有feel 的外觀   European-style exterior
從彩虹眷村搭的士去德國秘密旅行吃午餐 (地址:台中市西區華美街412-1號). 一聽名字已經大概猜到是德國菜吧,但想不到裡面是這樣的夢幻!店員都是德國童話故事人物的打扮,餐廳不同的樓層有不同的主題,menu 好像是手畫的很漂亮,重要是食物很大份很好吃!!!真的有回到德國旅行的感覺 :D 

We took a cab from the Rainbow Military Community to the Traveler Kitchen (Germany) for lunch (address: Taichung, Xi District, Hua Mei Street 412-1).  We knew it is serving Germany specialty but can't believe it was that fairy-tale like! The staff there all dressed like fairy-tale characters, there are different themes on different levels, pretty hand-drawn menu with generous portion of delicious food! We felt like travelling back in times to our exchange trips in Germany :D 

吃飽後就散步去勤美術館,很喜歡在城市中綠化的概念,不過我們去當天勤美術館沒開 hahaha 轉戰附近的勤美誠品 :) 

We walked to CMP Block after our full lunch. Love the idea of having green in the busy city centre, but well the CMP Block is not opened on our day of visit so we went to the Eslite bookstore nearby :) 

saw a group of students taking graduation pics, oh time flies! 

Day 5: 彩虹眷村-> 德國秘密旅行午餐->勤美->宮原眼科->台中機場
Day 5: Rainbow Military Community->Lunch at the Traveler Kitchen -> CMP->Miyahara-> Taichung airport

