
台中機場 ﹣清境 Taichung airport to Cingjing [共乘車 Carpool]

搭 11:30 香港快運去台中清泉崗機場, haha 好彩沒有delay, 準時1點多到達
出閘之後會開到右邊有換錢的櫃位,左邊有旅客中心(可申請免費30天wifi 在機場/高鐵站使用), 前面有橙色的homee kitchen餐廳 - 不過要留意全部7 點多就關門! =.= 


我們預訂了e-go 清境觀光巴士 (http://www.cingjingbus.tw/), 其實從清境去日月潭那一程也是用他們的服務 

extracted from their website

跟據航班時間有不同的共程車班次,我們那一程是9 座的小巴,同行都是香港人 XD 

Carpool from Taichung Airport to Cingjing
We chose the e-go Cingjing bus carpooling to travel from Taichung Airport to Cingjing ((http://www.cingjingbus.tw/).  The departure times are planned according to different plane arrival times.  They will carry a banner with your name to pick you up from the waiting area (in front of a restaurant in orange colour) in the airport.  It took around one and a half hour to get to Cingjing with a rest stop in Puli on the way.  Ours was a nine-people van with all the passengers from Hong Kong XD It's pretty comfortable and fast!  

*we also used their service for the ride from Cingjing to Sun Moon Lake. 

