
兩人輕鬆遊 2013 ﹣台中/清境/日月潭/阿里山 Trip to Taichung/Cingjing/Sun Moon Lake/Alishan 07-11 Nov

真係好耐無見!其實係因為好少自由行既旅行 lol 

今次係同朋友2人去台中, 為免麻煩但又想慳錢, 所以找了共乘車+公車作主要交通。4人以上包車當然係最方便同容易就時間,但2人包車會有點貴,所以有這些共乘車公司真的很好!除了遊客,台灣人也會搭 (不過溫馨提示一下:台中的士司機話這些共乘車公司雖然是合法但未必有為客人買保險)


Day 1: 香港 - 清境 (住明琴清境山莊)
Day 2: 清境 - 日月潭 (住朵麗絲的家)
Day 3: 日月潭 - 阿里山 (住新順利民宿)
Day 4: 阿里山 - 奮起湖 - 台中 (住新驛旅店) 
Day 5: 台中 - 香港

看起來很趕吧?不過還好,因為其實中間的行程好 hea hahaha
特別留意從日月潭去阿里山那一程係沒有共乘車的,但相反方向有,所以如果會在嘉義那邊住一晚可以從阿里山出發。但因為到達台中的時間是下午1 點多不想浪費一晚,所以先去清境 :D

This time I went to Taichung with my friend (only 2 of us) so we thought it would be better to "carpool" for most of the time to save money and time.  Of course it will be the best to rent a taxi with driver if there are more than 4 people, but that would be pretty expensive for the two of us.  So - a great thanks to these carpool companies! (but a gentle reminder: the taxi driver in Taichung told us that these carpool companies are legal but they might not have bought insurance for their customers)


Day 1: Hong Kong - Cingjing (stay at Ming Ging Farm)
Day 2: Cingjing - Sun Moon Lake (stay at Doris House)
Day 3: Sun Moon Lake - Alishan (stay at Xinshunli Minsu)
Day 4: Alishan - Fenqi Hu - Taichung (stay at CityInn Hotel Plus)
Day 5: Taichung - Hong Kong

The schedule is not that rush actually lol 
And since there was no carpooling service from Sun Moon Lake to Alishan, we took public bus instead.  However, there's actually carpooling service the other way round from Alishan to Sun Moon Lake, so if you plan to stay in Jiayi for a night, you might consider starting from Alishan.  Yet as our plane arrived Taichung at around 1pm and we didn't want to waste the day, we decided to head up to Cingjing first. 

