
由首爾 (서울)到水原(수원) 的火車 Train from Seoul to Suwon

我們這次選擇了從Seoul Station (서울) 無窮花號火車 (Mugungkwa-ho 무궁화호) 到水原,只需要30 分鐘 2,500 w per person

其實也可以從首爾搭 subway 到水原,比較便宜但時間較長 (62 mins 1,600w per person).
搭一號線 (藍色) 新昌方向 (Sinchang 신창)

不過要留意,如果你原本的方向是往仁川方向 (Incheon 인천), 要在九老站 (Guro 구로) 轉車
好像如果你要去落馬洲但是火車是往羅湖的話,你就要在上水轉車 XD

We chose to take the Mugungkwa-ho (which could be booked on the KORAIL website) from Seoul to Suwon this time.  It costs 2,500w per person but only takes 30 mins.

Yet, from my research, there is another way to travel from Seoul to Suwon—using the Seoul subway. It is cheaper (only costs 1,600w) but takes an hour.

You can check from the Seoul subway website about the travelling time and map.
Take No. 1 line towards Sinchang station. If your train is going towards the Incheon station, you can transfer at the Guro station towards Sinchang direction. 

